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Body Poetry yoga masterclass & workshop with Lara Zilibowitz

Started on 23 juin 2023Duration 2hCost 55.- & 65.- both sessions: 110.-

Come and practice with Lara Zilibowitz during her 50-hour yoga training

Body Poetry yoga masterclass

Join internationally touring yoga teacher and transpersonal art therapist Lara Zilibowitz for a full-spectrum practice as she opens up the morning session of her 50-hour training for you to join and receive.

Through rhythmic breath-focused vinyasa, embodied meditation and guided visualization, you’re invited to enter inside, waking up the vital energies in the body as you drop into an ecstatic breath-per-movement meditation.


Friday June 23 from 10 to 12 am

More about Lara’s training 

Partner yoga workshop

Join Lara, as part of her 50-hour training module, for a morning of play and exploration into the world of inversions.

From headstand to handstand, you’ll learn practical tools and inspiring techniques to make these postures accessible, both with and without the support of a spotter.

Drawing upon partner yoga and acro yoga principles, this 3-hour workshop will be drenched with FUN and JOY, as we face our fears of going heads down and hips up.

This workshop starts with a 1h vinyasa warm up sequence open to Nueva luna’s community


Sunday June 25 from 9 to 12 am

Who is this for?

Those 2 sessions are a passionate declaration of love to your wild and free body nature, open to teachers and students of all levels. For the workshop you do not have to be able to do a handstand to be able to join! This will be an adult playground 🙂 All are welcome.

Fees: Masterclass 55.- / workshop 55-

About Lara

Yoga teacher, artist, soul pilgrim and body poet

I am dedicated to the path of embodied curiosity, of descending inside, with our breath as a guide, to look for treasures…
For this body of ours is an extraordinary alchemical vessel filled with so much magic and meaning, and it is forever awaiting for the fire of our presence in order to transmute any struggle and metabolise any stress into embodied wisdom and mental freedom.

For me, this is the heart of Yoga, and true meditative awareness, a welcoming of ourselves full-spectrum to practice, showing up empty of agenda with a willingness to befriend ourselves and get to know ourselves on a deep and true level.

This Tantric approach has been radical medicine in my personal journey working with over a decade of post traumatic stress symptoms of somatic anxiety and insomnia. Learning to trust the intelligence of my body as a potent source of power, creativity and healing, not to mention abundant pleasure. This realisation has become my life passion and purpose.

My dedication therefore as a facilitator and guide for others is to invite you to feel that embodied curiosity is actually the purest form of self-love there is, and an opportunity for you to reset into wellbeing.